
Handy Backup Toolbar contains buttons for most vital actions available in Handy Backup:

Handy Backup: Toolbar

The Toolbar is organized as follows:

New Task: starts the New Task Wizard. The New Task Wizard works on the step-by-step basis and is used to create all tasks in Handy Backup. See Backing up data, Restoring data, and Synchronizing data for more details.

Execute selected task(s): launches tasks selected in the Task View window. The tasks will be executed even if they were created for a single launch or they are out of their schedule at the moment.

Restore selected task(s) or file(s): runs restore/ backup tasks selected in the Task View window. Restore tasks are processed according to their properties, and data of the backup tasks is restored to the original location.

Stop selected task(s): interrupts running tasks selected in the Task View window.

Task properties: allows viewing or altering task properties. Use this option if you need to change the settings you defined when creating the task.

Refresh selected task(s): checks availability of selected tasks. It determines if files specified in the task (e.g., for backing up or restoring) can be reached. If the task is network-based, Handy Backup initiates connection and checking.

Delete selected task(s): deletes selected tasks.

Settings: sets up Handy Backup parameters and characteristics.

Register now!: opens a window to input a serial number. Refer to Registration for more details.

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Task View Window

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